
model 3b

The Laboratory, headed by Assoc. Prof. Gilad Yossifon, focuses on studying micro/nano-fluidics as well as micro/nano-robots which include both fundamental research of transport processes within the nano and micro scale as well as application-oriented studies towards the development of novel devices and tools. Areas of studies include electrokinetic phenomena, ion transport in permselective medium (membrane, nanochannel), dielectrophoresis, lab-on-a-chip devices based on electrokinetic biomolecule preconcentration, wearable electronics, microfluidic cooling of electronic devices, active (self-propelling) particles, micro- and nano-robots for bioengineering and biomolecular applications.

Recent news

Just accepted

Sinwook Park, Lior Finkelman and Gilad Yossifon, Enhanced Cargo Loading of Electrically Powered Metallo-Dielectric Pollen Bearing Multiple Dielectrophoretic Traps, J. Colloid and Interface Science

Just accepted

S. Park, K. Buhnik-Rosenblau, R. Abu-Rjal, Y. Kashi and G. Yossifon, Periodic Concentration-Polarization-Based Formation of a Biomolecule Preconcentrate for Enhanced Biosensing, arXiv http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.06739, Nanoscale (2020)

Just accepted

B. Sabbagh, E. Stolovicki, S. Park, D. A. Weitz and G. Yossifon, Tunable nanochannels connected in series for dynamic control of multiple concentration-polarization layers and preconcentrated molecule plugs, Nano Letters (2020)

Just accepted

T. Elkeles, P. Garcia-Sanchez, Y. Wu, A. Ramos and G . Yossifon Dielectrophoretic Equilibrium of Complex Particles arXiv http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.03068, Physical Review Applied